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Stress Free Boarding for your Cat

Who we are

Laxey Cattery is a cat- only boarding establishment which helps it be a stress free experience for your feline friend(s).

Laxey Cattery has been around for 50+ years. It’s currently a family run business with volunteers throughout the year to help during busier times. All our staff have absolutely outstanding knowledge and experience on felines and have a passion of working with animals.

We understand every cats needs can vary and we strive to ensure your cat(s) are as comfortable as possible whilst enjoying a holiday with us.

What we do

A combination of our countryside location and its beautiful surroundings creates a peaceful and “purrfect” environment for your cat.

At Laxey Cattery, it is our aim to provide an experience that is second to none, paying exceptional care and attention that will make your pet feel like it is still at home. We offer you peace of mind in knowing that your cat is safe and contented – an all-important factor in making sure that you enjoy your time away.

All of our cat runs are large, providing plenty of space for the visitors to stretch their legs, while we also have the facility to board a family of up to five cats together. We have a strong policy of never mixing cats belonging to different owners.

At Laxey Cattery, we both welcome and encourage customers to take a viewing of our location. Simply contact us to schedule a viewing with a member of our staff! We cannot always do walk ins for viewings as we may be too busy.